Age of Blog

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Monday, 14 November 2011

Cheese Pudding with Oreo

Lepas periksa, boring x tahu nak buat ape..
So, Jyah buat Cheese Pudding with Oreo..
First attempt, like always..
Turn out very good..
Recipe below..

Recipe :
-13g serbuk agar2
-1 liter air
-120g gula pasir
-3 biji telur
-150g cheese cracker ( blend halus )
-1 sudu besar tepung kastard
-400ml susu cair
-200g susu pekat
-50g mentega
- oreo ( ikut lah nak berape keping & dibuang cream )

-masak agar2 dgn air hingga hancur.kacau selalu.masukkan gula & kacau sebati.
-pukul telur hingga rata & campurkan biskut & tepung kastard. masukkan susu cair n susu pekat, kacau sebati.
-tuang dlm adunan agar2 tadi & tutup api apb mendidih.masukkan mentega & kacau sebati.
-tuang adunan dlm acuan & layer dgn oreo

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